Teaching activities |
Presented papers
1982 - current 160 papers presented
Postgraduate lectures delivered to physicians, psychologists, nurses
and other health professionals
1982 - current 545 lectures presented
Undergraduate lectures presented to medical students
1982 - current 574 lectures presented
Recent international lectures
September 2024
Psychotherapy Week Bad Hofgastein 2024, Austria
Migration and psychotherapy
June 2024
University of Rostock, Germany
Communication with the dying patient. Threeday Balintgroup for medical students
June 2024
University of Rostock, Germany
Communication skills seminar for medical students: Communication with the dying patient
June 2024
University of Rostock, Germany
Migration and violent radicalisation
January 2024
University of Rostock, Germany
Communication skills seminar for medical students: Communication with the dying patient
January 2024
University of Rostock, Germany
Escaping to survive: Freund's migration to England
September 2023
Psychotherapy Week Bad Hofgastein 2023, Austria
Migration: Current challenges for psychotherapy (cancelled)
January 2023
University of Rostock, Germany
Migration and violent radicalisation: Worldwide
challenges for transcultural psychiatry
January 2023
University of Rostock, Germany
Communication skills seminar for medical students: Communication with the dying patient
September 2020
Psychotherapy Week Bad Hofgastein 2020, Austria
Psychotherapy of narcissistic disorders. A seminar about theory and practice of therapy
January 2020
University of Rostock, Germany
Terrorists attacks and violent radicalisation: A psychiatrist's view on recent European
challenges for transcultural psychiatry
January 2020
University of Rostock, Germany
Psychosomatic disorders in General and Internal Medicine
January 2020
University of Rostock, Germany
Communication skills seminar: Communication in challenging medical situations
June 2019
University of Rostock, Germany
Sigmund Freud's death and what it could teach us doctors today
March 2019
University of Rostock, Germany
Communication skills seminar: Communication in challenging medical situations
November 2018
University of Rostock, Germany
Ethical aspect of decision-making in intensive care
November 2018
University of Rostock, Germany
Psychosomatic disorders in General and Internal Medicine
July 2018
University of Rostock, Germany
Communication skills seminar: Communication and care of terminally ill patients
January 2018
University of Rostock, Germany
Communication skills seminar: Breaking bad news: How to tell patients about illness or possible death?
November 2017
University of Kiel, Germany
Ethical aspects of decision-making in Prehospital-CPR
September 2017
Psychotherapy Week Bad Hofgastein 2017, Austria
Migration - refugees - violent radicalisation. Globalisation changing?
June 2017
University of Rostock, Germany
Terrorists attacks and violent radicalisation: A psychiatrist's view on recent European
challenges for transcultural psychiatry
June 2017
University of Rostock, Germany
Communication skills seminar: Breaking bad news: How to tell patients about their terminal illness?
June 2017
University of Kiel, Germany
Migration, gobalisation and violent radicalisation: A psychiatrist's view on recent European
challenges for transcultural psychiatry
March 2017
University of Kiel, Germany
Migration, gobalisation and violent radicalisation: A psychiatrist's view on recent European
challenges for transcultural psychiatry
March 2017
University of Kiel, Germany
Migration, gobalisation and violent radicalisation: A psychiatrist's view on recent European
challenges for transcultural psychiatry
January 2017
University of Rostock, Germany
Migration, gobalisation and violent radicalisation: A psychiatrist's view on recent European
challenges for transcultural psychiatry
January 2017
University of Rostock, Germany
Psychosomatic disorders in General and Internal Medicine
October 2016
3rd International Bionet Symposium 2016, Latvia
Migration, Globalisation and violent radicalisation
October 2016
5th International Scientific Conference 2016, Latvijas University, Latvia
Decision-making in preclinical CPR
September 2016
Psychotherapy Week Bad Hofgastein 2016, Austria
Migration, Globalisation and violent radicalisation. A challenge for Transcultural Psychotherapy
September 2016
Psychotherapy Week Bad Hofgastein 2016, Austria
Integrated Psychosomatics in Internal Medicine
June 2016
University of Rostock, Germany
Migration, gobalisation and violent radicalisation: A psychiatrist's view on recent European
challenges for transcultural psychiatry
June 2016
University of Rostock, Germany
Communication skills seminar: How to tell patients about their terminal illness?
January 2016
University of Rostock, Germany
Migration to England 80 years ago:
What lessons could today's migrants learn
from the father of psychoanalysis fleeing the Nazis?
January 2016
University of Rostock, Germany
Psychosomatic disorders in General and Internal Medicine
September 2015
Psychotherapy Week Bad Hofgastein 2015, Austria
Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics in patients in the second half of their lives
June 2015
University of Rostock, Germany
Migration and violent radicalisation: A challenge for Transcultural Psychiatry
June 2015
University of Rostock, Germany
Communication skills seminar: Working with terminally ill patients
January 2015
University of Rostock, Germany
Decisionmaking and coping strategies in prehospital CPR
January 2015
University of Rostock, Germany
Psychosomatic disorders in General and Internal Medicine
September 2014
Psychotherapy Week Bad Hofgastein 2014, Austria
Psychosomatic disorders in Internal medicine
May 2014
University of Rostock, Germany
Communication skills seminar: Working with terminally ill patients
January 2014
University of Rostock, Germany
Decisionmaking and coping strategies in prehospital CPR
January 2014
University of Rostock, Germany
Psychosomatic disorders in General and Internal Medicine
May 2013
University of Rostock, Germany
Communication skills seminar: Working with terminally ill patients
May 2013
University of Rostock, Germany
Psychological treatment and support for victims of sexual abuse
January 2013
University of Rostock, Germany
Psychiatry and psychotherapy in general practice: Treatment of anxiety and depression
September 2012
Psychotherapy Week Bad Hofgastein 2012, Austria
Balint group - patient oriented self therapy
May 2012
University of Rostock, Germany
Communication skills seminar: Working with terminally ill patients
January 2012
University of Rostock, Germany
Escaping the Genocide: Freud's migration to England
September 2011
Psychotherapy Week Bad Hofgastein 2011, Austria
Freud in England - A story of migration
September 2011
Psychotherapy Week Bad Hofgastein 2011, Austria
Balint group - patient oriented self therapy
May 2011
University of Rostock, Germany
Interviewing skills
January 2011
University of Rostock, Germany
Transcultural aspect of Psychiary and Psychotherapy
May 2010
University of Rostock, Germany
Communication skills seminar: Working with terminally ill patients
January 2010
University of Rostock, Germany
Personality disorders: The challenge of managing patients suffering form PD
January 2010
University of Rostock, Germany
Psychosomatic disorders in General and Internal Medicine